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Local Team Gives Back to Community

On May 9th the Central Wisconsin Impact 11u team got together to learn the importance of volunteering. The team dedicated hours of thier evening prior to the first game of the season to help at the Portage County Cultural Festival held at the Stevens Point Area Senior High School (SPASH).

The Portage County Cultural Festival is a one day event designed to celebrate ethnic diversity. Over the past 21 years, the festival has grown beyond our founders' imagination. Last year's event attracted approximately 15,000 people of all ages and with a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. As the reputation of the festival expands to that as of one of the premier ethnic fests in the Midwest, the Portage County Cultural Festival is attracting more exhibitors, food vendors, entertainers and attendees from wider geographic area. The festival provides an opportunity to sample food, music, folk dances, native crafts and children's games from around the world. Most importantly, this event provides the opportunity and forum for people of different cultures to get together for a day of fun, food, and learning.

The players with coaches and parents worked with the kitchen staff to help set up all food vendor booths. They worked to sanitize all area's, lay down table clothes, fill and carry five gallon water jugs, dispensing santizers, and other cooking items.

While the team didn't get to enjoy the fruits of thier labor due to a scheduled baseball tournament in Columbus, the kids did learn a valuable lesson on giving back to others.

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